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Contacting the Devil's Dyke Morris Men

For any matters concerning the club, e.g.:

  • If you want to join
  • If you would like to ask us to dance for you
  • If you want to know more about the Morris
  • Or any other Morris- or Devil's Dyke-related question

Please ring the Bagman on 01223 833983‬, or email at bagman [at]

The club officials are at present:

Squire: Randall Scott
Bagman: Gordon Heald

Foremen: Chris Harris and Paul Redhead
Archivist: Steve King

The traditional names for some of the officials are still used: "Squire", used for the club leader, probably mimics the terminology for the inhabitant of the local village manor and was theoretically a village leader, while the" Bagman" (secretary) originally carried the "Bag" with the club funds and other important items!